President Emeritus, Rice University
Zingler Professor of Economics & University Professor
President Emeritus, Rice University
Curriculum Vita
Rice University
Economics Department, MS-22
6100 Main Street
Houston, Texas 77005
Office: 713-348-4601
Fax: 713-348-5278
E-mail: mgillis[at]
Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1968
M.A., University of Florida, 1963
B.A., University of Florida, 1962
A.A., Chipola Junior College, 1960
Doctor of Laws, Rocky Mountain College, Billings, MT, 1992
Fiscal Theory and Policy, Economic Development
Environmental Policy, Natural Resources (Theory and Policy)
President Emeritus, Rice University
Ervin Kenneth Zingler Professor of Economics, Rice University
President, Rice University, July 1993-2004
Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Duke University, July 1991-June 1993
Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Academic Affairs, Duke University, July 1986-June 1991
Z. Smith Reynolds Distinguished Professor in the Institute for Public Policy, Duke University, July 1990-June 1993
Professor of Economics and of Public Policy, Duke University, July 1984-June 1993
Assistant Professor of Economics, Duke University, Sept. 1967-July 1969
Lecturer in Economics, Harvard University and Research Fellow, Harvard Law School International Tax Program, Sept. 1969-July 1971
Institute Fellow, Harvard Institute for Economic Development and Lecturer in Economics, Harvard University, July 1974-June 1984.
2010 - present
2010 - present
Published Books
Musgrave, Richard A. and Malcolm Gillis. Fiscal Reform for Colombia. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Law School, International Tax Program, 1971. (Spanish edition: subsequently published in Spanish as Propuesta para Una Reforma Fiscal Para Colombia. 3 vols. Bogota, Colombia: Ediciones del Banco de Ia Republica, 1974.
Gillis, Malcolm and Charles E. McLure, Jr. The Colombian Tax Reform of 1974. Washington: World Bank, Latin American Division, June 1975. (Spanish edition published by Editorial Banco Popular, Bogota, Colombia, April 1977.
Gillis, Malcolm et al. Taxation and Mining: Non-Fuel Minerals in Bolivia and Other Countries. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., January 1978.
Gillis, Malcolm and Ralph E. Beals. Tax and Investment Policies for Hard Minerals: Public and Multinational Enterprises in Indonesia. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1980.
Gillis, Malcolm and Werner Baer, eds. Export Diversification and the New Protectionism: The Experience of Latin America. Urbana, IL: National Bureau of Economic Research and University of Illinois Press, 1981.
Gillis, Malcolm, Dwight Perkins, Michael Roemer, and Donald E. Snodgrass, Economics of Development. New York: W.W. Norton, Co., 1983. 2nd Edition, 1987, 3rd Edition, 1992, 4th Edition, 1996, 5th Edition, 2002. Translated into Italian (1986), Chinese (1988), Indonesian (1989), French (1990).
Gillis, Malcolm and Robert Conrad. Progress and Poverty in Developing Countries: Rent and Resource Taxation. Williams College Monograph Series. Williamstown, MA: Williams College, 1985.
Repetto, Robert and Malcolm Gillis, eds. Public Policy and the Misuse of Forest Resources. Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Gillis, Malcolm, ed. Tax Reform in Developing Countries. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1989.
Gillis, Malcolm, Gerry Sicat and Carl Shoup, eds. The Value-Added Tax in Developing Countries: Issues and Lessons. Washington, DC: The World Bank (1991).
Articles (exclusive of articles in books edited or co-authored by M. Gillis; excluding book reviews)
With Charles E. McLure, Jr. “Incidence of World Taxes on Natural Resources.” American Economic Review (May 1975).
"Objectives and Means of Indirect Tax Reform." Chapter 23 in Bird, Richard M. and Oliver Oldman. Readings on Taxation in Developing Countries. Third edition. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1975.
With Charles E. McLure, Jr., "Coordination of Tariffs and Internal Indirect Taxes," Chapter 25, in Bird, Richard and Oldman, Oliver, Readings on Taxation in Developing Countries. Third Edition, 1975.
"Capital Goods and Sales Taxation." In Proceedings of the Study Group on Asian Tax Administration and Research. Jakarta: February 1975.
With Charles E. McLure, Jr. "The Distributional Implications of the Taxation of Natural Resources." Rice Studies 6 (Fall 1975). Reprinted in Economic Policy and Income Distribution in Colombia, edited by Albert Berry and Ronald Soligo, Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1980.
"Taxation, Mining, and Public Ownership." In Non-Renewable Resource Taxation in the Western States, University of Arizona College of Mines, Lincoln Inst., 1977.
With Charles E. McLure, Jr. "Taxation and Income Distribution: The Colombian Tax Reform of 1974." Journal of Development Economics 5 (September 1978).
"A Tale of Two Minerals: Severance Taxes on North American Energy Resources." Growth and Change: A Journal of Regional Development 10 (January 1979).
"Multinational Corporations and a Liberal International Economic Order: Some Overlooked Considerations." Chapter in Challenges to a Liberal International Economic Order, edited by Ryan Amacher, Gottfried Habeler, and Thomas Willet. Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute, 1979.
With Glenn P. Jenkins. "Performance Evaluation and Public Sector Enterprises," Chapter 8 in Public Enterprise Investment. Prices, Costs and Returns, edited by Alex Nove and P. K. Basu. United Nations: Asia and Pacific Development Center, 1979.
"Conceptions and Misconceptions of Multinational Enterprises in the International Economic Order." Harvard International Review (April 1979).
With Charles E. McLure, Jr. "Excess Profits Taxes: Lessons from Recent Mexican Experience." National Tax Journal (December 1979).
"The Role of State-Owned Enterprises in Economic Development." Social Research 47 (Summer 1980).
With Ralph Beals. "The Evolution of Hard Mineral Agreements in Indonesia." Natural Resources Forum 4 (1980).
With Ignatius Peprah. "Severance Taxes on Energy Resources in the Sunbelt." Texas Business Review (November/December 1980).
With David Ericson. "High-Level Enterprise and Low-Level Radioactivity: Two Hazards in LDC Uranium Agreements." Journal of Energy and Development 6 (Autumn 1980).
"International Experience in Assisting Distressed Industries." Papers and Proceedings of the National Tax Association (1981).
With Werner Baer. "Changing Perspectives on Latin American Trade." Quarterly Review of Economics and Business 21 (Summer 1981).
With Ignatius Peprah. "State-Owned Enterprises in Developing Countries." The Wharton Magazine (Winter 1981).
With Charles E. McLure, Jr. "Standards of Conduct for Public Enterprises," in Fiscal Reform in Bolivia, edited by Richard A. Musgrave. Cambridge, MA, Harvard Law School, 1981.
"Gottfried Haberler: Contributions Upon Entering His Ninth Decade," Quarterly Journal of Economics XCVI (February 1982).
"Allocative and X-Efficiency in State-Owned Enterprises." Journal of Comparative Economics (Spring 1982).
"The Effects of In-State Investment: Lessons from Oil-Fired Development." In The Trustee Papers, prepared by the Board of Trustees, Alaska Permanent Fund, Juneau: March 1982.
"Evolution of Natural Resource Taxation in Developing Countries." Natural Resources Journal (Spring 1982).
With Glenn Jenkins and Donald Lessard. "Public Enterprise Finance: Toward a Synthesis," in Public Enterprises in Less-Developed Countries, edited by Leroy Jones. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1982.
"Regional Dimensions of Public Sector Economics: Further Observations," in Regional Aspects of Fiscal Policy, Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 1982.
"Episodes in Indonesian Economic Growth," in Problems in World Economic Growth, edited by A.C. Harberger. San Francisco: ICS Press, 1984.
"Excising Excises: Federal Sales Tax Reform in Canada," 1984 Conference Report. Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation, 1985.
"Federal Sales Taxation: A Survey of Six Decades of Experience, Critiques and Reform Proposals." Canadian Tax Journal 33 (January-February 1985).
"Allocative and X-Efficiency in State-Owned Enterprises: Some Asian and Latin American Cases in the Mining Sector," in Economic and Political Role of the State in Latin America, edited by A. L. Saulniers. Austin, TX: Institute of Latin American Studies, 1985.
"Micro and Macro-Economics of Tax Reform: Indonesia." Journal of Development Economics 19 (1985). Reprinted in Readings on Taxation in Developing Countries, edited by Richard Bird and Oliver Oldman. Fourth edition, Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1989.
With David Dapice. "Indonesia: External Adjustments and Growth," in A Policy Manual for the Open Economy, edited by Rudiger Dornbusch. Oxford University Press, 1988.
With Glenn Jenkins and Jim Lietzel. "Social Goals and Basic Needs: Telephone Access," in Telecommunications and Equity, edited by J. M. Miller. New York: North Holland, 1986.
"The Value-Added Tax and Financial and Housing Services." Pacers and Proceedings of the 1985 Conference. Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation, 1986.
With Glenn Jenkins and Jim Lietzel. "Financing Universal Access in the Telephone Network." National Tax Journal (March 1986).
"Worldwide Experience in Sales Taxation: Lessons from North America." Policy Sciences 219 (1986).
"The Value-Added Tax and Financial Services," in Economic Essays in Honor of Byanti Kharmawan, edited by Dahlan Sutalaksann. Kuala Lumpur: SEACEN, 1989.
"Multinational Enterprises, Environmental and Resource Management Issues in the Tropical Forest Sector in Indonesia," in Multinational Corporations, Environment and the Third World, edited by Charles Pearson, World Resources Institute. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1987.
"The Logging Industry of Tropical Asia," in People of the Rain Forest, edited by Julie Denslow and Christine Padoch. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1988.
With Gerry Sicat and Carl Shoup. "What Can Be Expected by Introducing Indirect Taxation: Instruction for a Value-Added Tax System" (translated version of Japanese title), in Nihon Keizai Shimbum, edited by Shinichiro Shimojo. Tokyo, 1988.
With Robert Repetto. "Deforestation and Government Policy." International Center for Economic Growth. Occasional Papers, San Francisco: International Center for Economic Growth, 1989.
"Tax Reform and the Value-Added Tax: Indonesia," in World Tax Reform, edited by Michael Boskin and Charles McLure. San Francisco: Institute of Contemporary Studies, 1991.
"Economics, Ecology, and Ethics: Tropical Conservation," in Economics, Ecology. and Ethics, edited by Boorman, Kellert, and Herbert. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1991.
"Legacies from the Shoup Tax Missions," Chapter 3 in Retrospective on Public Finance, edited by Lorraine Eden. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1991.
"Tacit Taxes and Sub-Rosa Subsidies in State-Owned Enterprises," Chapter 5 in More Taxing than Taxes, edited by Richard Bird. San Francisco: Institute of Contemporary Studies, 1991.
"Energi dalam Perekonomian Indonesia" (Energy in the Indonesian Economy) in Analisis Dan Metodoloaic Ekonomi Indonesia, edited by Sjahrir. Jakarta: P.T. Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 1991, (with David Dapice).
"Mending the Broken Circle: The Economic, Ecological, and Ethical Dimensions of Tropical Deforestation," South Atlantic Quarterly, 1991.
"Economic Policies and Tropical Deforestation," in Non-Timber Products From Tropical Forests: Evaluation of a Conservation and Development Strategy, edited by Daniel Nepsted and Stephen Schwartzman. The New York Botanical Garden (1993)
"Forest Incentive Policies," in Forest Policy, edited by Narendra Sharma. World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1993.
"The Indonesian Tax Reform After Five Years," in Taxation and Economic Development Among Pacific Asian Countries, edited by Richard A. Musgrave, Ching-huei Chang and John Riew, San Francisco, Westview Press, 1994. Reprinted in Hal Hill, editor, The Economic Development of Southeast Asia, (Cheltenham, U.K., Edward Elgar Publishing).
“Challenged Universities,” Houston Business Review, Summer 1995, pp. 39-47
Reprinted in Journal of Student Financial Aid, vol. 25 #3, Fall 1995.
“Thinking Small/Thinking Big,” Technology Houston, 1996-97, Houston, Texas, Greater Houston Partnership. An expanded version was also published as: “Thinking Small: The Future of Nanoscale Science and Technology,” Houston Business Review, May 1996
With Peter Mieszkowski and George Zodrow, “Indirect Consumption Taxes: Common Issues and Differences Among the Alternative Approaches,” Tax Law Review, (New York University), vol. 51, number 4, pp. 725-774. (1998)
With Jeffrey R. Vincent, “Deforestation and Forest Land Use: A Comment,” The World Bank Research Observer, vol. 13, no. 1 (February 1998)
With Jeffrey R. Vincent, “National Self-Interest in the Pursuit of Sustainable Development,” in C. H. Ward and Jurgen Schmandt, Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Transition (New York Cambridge University Press, 1999)
“The Outlook for a Federal Tax on Consumption,” Energy Houston, vol. 2, no. 1 – 1999, pp. 70-73, International Business Publishers, Inc.
“Financial Crisis in East Asia: Underlying and Precipitating Factors” in Richard Snape, editor, Festschift for Anne O. Krueger, Macmillan, 2001
Gillis, Malcolm, “Historical and Contemporary Debate on Consumption Taxes,” in George Zodrow, Editor, Consumption Taxes, Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Gillis, Malcolm, “Tax Policy and Capital Formation: African Experience with the Value-Added Tax,” Policy Sciences, Vol. 34, 2001
Gillis, Malcolm, R.F. Conrad and D. Evan Mercer, “Tropical Forest Harvesting and Taxation: a Dynamic Model of Harvesting Behavior,” Environmental and Development Economics (2005)
Research Monographs
Tropical Timber Concessions: Major Fiscal and Financial Issues, United Nations Center on Transnational Corporations, 1982.
With Ignatius Peprah. Severance Taxes on Coal and Uranium in the Sunbelt. Austin: University of Texas, Bureau of Business Research, June 1981.
Foreign Investment in the Forest-Based Sector of the Asia-Pacific Region, prepared for Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), United Nations, 1981.
Foreign Investment in the Forest-Based Sector in Africa, prepared for FAO, 1983.
Review of Economic Aspects of the Federal Sales Tax and Outline of Methodologies for Analysis of Economic Issues Associated with the Federal Sales Tax of Canada. April 1984 (with Nadine Baudot).
Articles Published in Books Edited or Co-Authored by M. Gillis
(excluding articles published in refereed anthologies)
The following appears in Musgrave, Richard A. and Malcolm Gillis. Fiscal Reform for Colombia. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Law School, International Tax Program, 1971.
---Gillis, "Reform of Municipal Indirect Taxes." Chapter 17.
The following appear in Gillis, Malcolm et al. Taxation and Mining: Non-Fuel Minerals in Bolivia and Other Countries. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., January 1978:
a---Gillis, "Taxation, Mining and Economic Development."
b---Gillis, with Ulrich Petersen. "Perspectives on the Bolivian Mining Sector."
c---Gillis, with Glenn P. Jenkins. "The Macroeconomic Impact of the Mineral Exporting Sector on a Developing Economy." Chapter 3.
d---Gillis, with Meyer W. Bucovetsky. "The Design of Mineral Tax Policy."
Chapter 4.
e---Gillis, with Meyer W. Bucovetsky and Louis T. Wells. "Comparative Mining Taxes." Chapter 5.
f---Gillis, "The Structure of Bolivian Mining Taxes." Chapter 6.
g---Gillis, with Louis T. Wells and Brian Wright. "Evaluation of the Present System of Mining Taxation."
h---Gillis, with Louis T. Wells and Ulrich Petersen. "Issues and Policies Related to Mining Tax Reform."
The following appear in Gillis, Malcolm and Ralph E. Beals. Tax and Investment Policies for Hard Minerals: Public and Multinational Enterprises in Indonesia. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger Publishing Co., 1980:
a---Gillis, "Economic Growth and Public Policy Toward Mineral Endowments in Developing Countries."
b---Gillis, with Ralph E. Beals and Glenn P. Jenkins. "The General Structure of Indonesian Mining Taxes."
c---Gillis, with Louis T. Wells. "Negotiating and Implementing Minerals Agreements with Multi-nationals: Critical Tax and Investment Issues."
d---Gillis, "Key Issues in Negotiating Uranium Agreements."
e---Gillis, "Comparative Minerals Taxes: Uranium, Tin, Copper, Bauxite and Nickel."
The following appear in Repetto, Robert and Malcolm Gillis, eds. Public Policy and the Misuse of Forest Resources. Cambridge University Press, 1988:
a---Gillis, "Indonesia: Public Policies, Resources Management and the Tropical Forest."
b---Gillis, "Malaysia: Public Policy and the Tropical Forest."
c---Gillis, "West Africa: Resource Management Policies and the Tropical Forest."
The following appear in Gillis, Malcolm, ed. Tax Reform in Developing Countries. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1989:
a---Gillis, "A Taxonomy of Tax Reform." Chapter 1.
b---Gillis, "The Indonesian Experience with Tax Reform." Chapter 4.
c---Gillis, "Lessons from Postwar Tax Reform." Chapter 14.
OVERSEAS RESEARCH AND PROJECT ACTIVITIES: (Research, Advisory, and Training Projects)
Cambridge-Based Projects (for Harvard University, 1974-1984)
Bolivia: Project Director, Study of Taxation and the Mining Sector in Bolivia, March-December 1975. (This research project was undertaken for the Ministry of Mines, Republic of Bolivia and involved organization and direction of an interdisciplinary team of six economists and geologists.)
Bolivia: Staff Member, Musgrave Commission for Bolivian Economic Policy, May-June 1976. (Chaired and directed by Professor Richard A. Musgrave. This international commission analyzed and constructed options for improvement of tax, expenditure, and other government policies for the Bolivian Ministry of Planning.)
Indonesia: Project Director, Research and Training Project of Mineral Taxation and Mineral Investment Planning in Indonesia, June 1976-December 1978. (An undertaking for the Ministry of Finance, Government of Indonesia. Project involved a multi-disciplinary team of six economists and geologists. Involved also the organization of three separate 3-week intensive courses on mineral taxes taught by Harvard faculty and consultants.)
Indonesia: Project Director, Project for Provision of Specialist Resources for Major Public Policy and Planning Issues, January 1978-December 1979. This effort involved establishing and directing a multi-disciplinary research team of 11 senior Harvard and MIT faculty in Economics, Education, Urban Development, Public Health, Family Planning, and Energy Policy. (Project undertaken at the request of the National Planning Board.)
Indonesia: Project Director, Training and Technical Assistance Project, January 1979-December 1980. An undertaking involving provision of technical assistance on trade,
courses in Natural Resources, Urban Development, and Monetary Theory and Policy. (Project undertaken at the request of the Ministry of Finance.)
Indonesia: Project Director, Indonesia Tax and Trade Reform Project, February 1981-June 1984. Project requested by the Ministry of Finance. Involved coordination and supervision of tasks of 22 expatriate specialists in public finance, computer science, and law, including faculty from Harvard, Chicago, and several other universities. Project resulted in enactment of radical reforms of income taxes and sales taxes in January 1984.
Indonesia: Project Director, Indonesia Training Project, Ministry of Finance, June 1981-June 1984. Project involved identification and placement of approximately 80 officials in programs (degree and non-degree) of overseas study.
Ecuador: Consultant on Fiscal Issues to the State-Owned Oil Company, ECEP (Compania Ecuatoriana de Petroleos), November-December 1981 and March-April 1982.
Canada: Research on Sales Tax Issues for Ministry of Finance, November 1983-May 1984.
Canada: Research on Value-Added Tax Issues, Ministry of Finance, November 1984-August 1985.
Other University-Related Overseas Experience
Chile: Thesis Research, Land Tenure Center, Institute of Economics, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, June-September 1967, inclusive.
Ecuador: Ministry of Finance, Quito, Ecuador, August 1968. Study of Sales Tax.
Colombia: Staff Member, Musgrave Commission (Colombian Tax Reform Commission), June-December 1968, inclusive. This was an international commission appointed by President Lleras and chaired by Richard A. Musgrave of Harvard University (Bogota).
Colombia: Advisor on Fiscal Problems on two extended occasions to the National Planning Board, Bogota, Colombia (Development Advisory Service, Harvard University), June-August 1969 and August-September 1970.
Ghana: Member, Ghana Commission on Tax Reform, 1970-71. Established by the president of Ghana (Development Advisory Service, Harvard University), January 1970, April 1970, June-August 1970 and June 1971 (Accra).
Indonesia: Monetary-Fiscal Advisor to National Planning Board, Ministry of Finance and Central Bank, Government of Indonesia (Development Advisory Service, Harvard University), June 1971-August 1973, inclusive (Jakarta).
Indonesia: Project Director, Harvard Advisory Group, Indonesia Planning Project, August 1973-July 1974, inclusive. Six-person project involving research, training, and advisory services to the National Planning Board, Ministry of Finance, Central Bank of Indonesia Ministry of Mines and Ministry of Manpower (Jakarta).
Honduras: Economic Policy Issues, Teguciagalpa, Honduras, March 1975, (UNDP).
Thailand: Senior Economist for thorough-going review of Ford Foundation programs for assisting economic planning in Thailand, June 1975 (Bangkok).
Philippines: Continuing Advisor for Ford Foundation Asia-Pacific Office on review of University of Philippines School of Economics, July 1975, September 1978 and January 1979 (Manila).
Pakistan: Review of Activities of the Institute of Applied Economic Research for Ford Foundation, July 1976 and May 1979 (Karachi).
Bangladesh: Review of Bangladesh Institute Development Studies for Ford Foundation, July 1977 (Dacca).
Pakistan: Advisor to Ford Foundation, Islamabad; assistance to Pakistani Institute of Development Economics in formulation of 3-year research program, June 1979.
Colombia: Advisor on Energy Contacts (oil, coal, uranium) for National Planning Agency, Bogota, Colombia, November-December 1980 and March-April 1981.
Colombia: Advisor on Uranium Mining to Nuclear Affairs Department, Government of Colombia (UNCTC sponsored), May 1982.
Surinam: Lectures on Natural Resource Policy, Government of Surinam (UNCTC), October 1982.
Zambia: Lectures on Natural Resource Policy, Ministry of Mines, Lusaka,
September 1983.
Pakistan: Advisor to Pakistan Tax Reform Commission (World Bank sponsored), April 1986.
China: Lectures for Central Institute of Finance and Banking, Beijing (EDI sponsored), May 1986.
Spanish (fluent)
Indonesian (fairly fluent)
French (reading-fair)
Courses in the Public Policy Institute: Economics of the Public Sector in Developing Countries;
International Economics, Public Finance, Economic Development.
Courses in the Economics Department: Graduate and undergraduate courses in Public Economics
Undergraduate Curriculum Revision
Chair, Ad Hoc Committee on the Curriculum, College of Arts and Sciences and Trinity College, March 1985-April 1986.
(New curriculum implemented September 1988.)
Research Centers
Founder, Chair of the Executive Committee, Center for Tropical Conservation, 1988-1993
Co-Founder, Center for International Development Research, Institute of Public Policy Studies, 1985
University-Wide Committees
Provost's Committee on Academic Priorities, 1986-91
President's Advisory Committee on Resources, 1988-91
Research Policy Committee, 1986-1993
Duke University Press
Chair of Editorial Advisory Board, 1986-1988
Chair, Governing Board, 1988-1990
Co-editor, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1979-84 (the oldest journal in economics)
Executive Committee, Association of American Universities, 1994-1995 and 2002-2004
Chairman, Tax Committee, Association of American Universities, 1997-1999
Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 1998-2005
Board of Directors, Houston Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 1996-1998
Member, Governor’s Council of Economic Advisers, State of Alaska, 1981-1984
Chairman, Visiting Committee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1983
Member, Visiting Committee, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1976-1984
Consultant, Navajo Nation, 1986, 1990
Board Member, American Forestry Association, 1980-1983
Chairman, Economic Futures Commission, Governor and State Legislature of North Carolina, 1991-1992
Member, Government Performance Audit Committee, State of North Carolina Legislature, 1991
Board Member, North Carolina Air Cargo Authority, 1990-1993
Member, Governor’s Task Force for Economic Growth, State of Texas, 2002
Vice-Chairman, Council for Higher Education Accreditation, 2002-2004, Member, 1992-2004
Board Member, Southern Association Colleges and Schools, 1995-1998
Member, International Advisory Committee, Hainan Province, China, 1980-1984
Member, Texas Academy of Medicine, Engineering and Science, Industry and
Community Affiliates Committee, 1997-2004
Chair, Economic Future Study Commission, and author of Commission report, Fiscal Realities for the 90s,
1990-91, Office of the Governor and the General Assembly, State of North Carolina Member, North Carolina State Legislature's Government Performance Audit Committee,1991-92 (chaired by
Speaker Dan Blue and President Pro-Tem Henson Barnes)
Member, North Carolina Air Cargo Authority, 1991-93 (chaired by Governor Jim Martin).
Vietnam Education Foundation, Chairman, Board of Directors, 2007
Vietnam Education Foundation, Board of Directors, 2005-2007
Houston Campaign for U.S. Savings Bonds, Chairman, Board of Directors, 2001-2002
National Academy of Sciences Board on Sustainable Development, 1997-2000
Member of Committee on Energy Taxation, National Research Council/National - Academy of Sciences,
February 1979-July 1980. Committee’s work culminated in two NRC/NAS publications:
(1) A Taxonomy of Energy Taxes (Washington, D. C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1979) and
(2) Energy Taxation: An Analysis of Selected Taxes (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences,
Board Member, CRDF (A Federal Government supported organization for promotion of International
Collaboration in Science), 2008-2012
Board of Directors, Jacobs University Bremen (Germany). Founding member. 1998-2012
Board of Trustees, Pyongyang University for Science and Technology. Founding member. 2008-2012
Chair, Advisory Board, TAN TAO University (Vietnam). Founding member. 2008-2012
Member, Advisory Board, Catholic University of Chile, 1999-2012
Member, International Advisory Group, KPMG, 1982-1994
Member, Board of Directors, AECOM Technology Corporation, Los Angeles –
Chairman, Nominating Committee, Member Audit and Compensation Committees, 1998-
Member, Board of Advisers, Texas Commerce Bank, 1993-1998
Member, Board of Directors, Service Corporation International, 2004-
Member, Board of Directors, Introgen Therapeutics, Inc., 2004-2009
Member, Board of Directors, Halliburton Company, 2005-
Member, Board of Directors, Electronic Data Systems (EDS), 2005-2008
Member, Board of Directors, Cormedics, 2009-2012
Member, Board of Directors, Nano-Tox, 2008-2012
Amazon Center for Environmental Education & Research, 2005-
Founding Director, International University Bremen, Bremen, Germany 1997-
St. Luke’s Hospital, Houston, Texas, 1993-2003
Amigos de las America, Houston, Texas, 1994-2000
Institute of International Education, 1994-
Houston Symphony, 1993-1999
Texas Aviation Hall of Fame and Flight Museum, 1995-
Houston Advanced Research Center, 1993-2004
Houston Technology Center, 1997-2004
BioHouston, Chairman, Board of Directors, 2007-2010
BioHouston, Board of Directors, 1999-2006
Greater Houston Partnership, 1993-2004
Houston Super Bowl XXXVIII Host Committee, 2003-2004
National Council for Science and the Environment, 1996-2000
Texas Aviation Hall of Fame and Flight Museum, 1995-2011
Selected University Service, Duke University and Rice University
Chairman, University Commission-on Reform of Curriculum, Duke University, 1985-1986
Chairman, Editorial Advisory Board, Duke University Press, 1986-1991
Founder, Duke Center for Tropical Conservation, 1988
Co-Founder, Center for World Environment and Sustainable Development, - Raleigh/Durham, N.C., 1990
Doctor of Laws, Rocky Mountain College, Billings, Montana, 1992
Alumni Award Gold Medal, Association of Rice Alumni, 2004
Life Member, Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, 1993-
Honoree, People of Vision, 1996
Honoree, Distinguished Award, Institute for International Education, 2003
Distinguished Fulbright Professor, Catholic University of Chile, 1989
NASA Distinguished Service Medal, 2004
Ally Award, Center for the Healing of Racism, 2004
MIT Enterprise Forum Leadership Award, 2004
Honoree, Leadership Award, Center for the Healing of Racism, 2004
Honoree, Arab American Cultural Association Philanthropic Award, 2006
Alaska – Consultant on Energy Taxation, Consultant on Corporation Income Tax, Consultant on Pipeline
Litigation, Consultant on Royalty Litigation, Consultant on ARCO Acquisition, 1981-1999
Bolivia – Consultant, Hard Minerals 1976-1978, Consultant on Taxation, 1978
Canada – Consultant, Department of Regional Economic Expansion, 1981, Ministry of France, -- Canada
Sales Tax
Colombia – Consultant on Tax Reform 1968, Consultant on Energy, 1991-199
Ecuador – Consultant on Energy Contracts, 1981-1983
Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Consultant on Economics Education, Ford
Foundation, 1976-197
Consultant, Navajo Nation, Energy Taxes, 1981-1982
Consultant, Nacomas Petroleum, Los Angeles, 1982
Consultant, Pakistan World Bank, Public Sector, 1987
Consultant, United States Treasury, Value-Added Tax, 1984
Consultant, Zambia, United Nations Consultant, Energy Issues, 1983
Consultant, World Bank (Pakistan and Colombia), 1979-1982